
Google launches lighter, faster version of Gmail for Android

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Google launches a lighter, faster version of Gmail app for Android

After launching the lightweight versions like YouTube Go, Files Go, Google Go, Google Maps Go, Google and Assistant Go, Google has now launched Gmail Go. The app takes up less storage space on users’ smartphones and makes better use of mobile data compared to the regular version of Gmail.


The Gmail Go app is basically a lighter version of the Gmail app but supports almost all the basic features of the main app. The Gmail Go app comes with an advanced inbox that categorizes social and promotional emails under different tabs and shows the most important emails first. By default, it displays the messages from family and friends first.

The download size of the Gmail Go is just around 9.51MB compared to 20.66MB of the regular app. Also, the app comes with a feature that automatically blocks spam messages before they hit your inbox using Google's internal data sets and algorithms. There's also an option to report spam or mark as important. Besides, you can also add a label to your emails to categorize them as per your requirement. Gmail Go comes with 15GB of storage. One of the highlights of Gmail Go is that the app can read and respond both online and offline.

The app is available on Google Play, but can be downloaded in a limited set of countries and only by devices running Android 8.1 Oreo.

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