
Google Home now recognizes up to six different voices

CIOL Writers
New Update
CIOL Google Home now recognizes up to six different voices

Google Home has finally got the much-awaited multi-user support. This means the smart device can now distinguish between six different voices and reply with personalised responses.


Up till now, you could only connect a single account to Google Home but with the latest update, the device can now be set up to distinguish among up to six different voices, meaning it can provide different information depending on which member of a household asks a question.

After connecting their accounts, each user will have to go through the usual hotword training, reciting "OK Google" to the device three times. Google uses a neural network that’s actually located on the device itself to differentiate the distinct voices in the household. For future commands, Google Home will then call out the name of the person it detects before it gives a response. So if you ask "What's my day like?" Google Home will respond with "Good Morning ," and then rattle off the weather and calendar appointments.

But, the technology is far from perfect. "We’re continuing to fine-tune our voice recognition systems and will get better over time,” a Google spokesperson told Recode.


Amazon’s Alexa, the software that runs on Echo and Dot devices, already supports multiple users, but the technology to distinguish between voices is reportedly still in development.

The new feature is rolling out in the US today and will come to the UK in "the coming months."
