
Google adds new Finance tab to Search

CIOL Writers
New Update
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Google has added a new filter to its Search results- Finance. The new feature works in the same way as its ‘images’, ‘videos’, or ‘news’ tab work and will enable users to access the same information that Google Finance provides, including news on a company as well as details on its financials.


The search engine company further says that the tab can help you keep track of information such as stocks you’ve chosen to follow, recommendations on other stocks to follow based on your interests, related news, market indices, and currencies market and fluctuations.

According to Google, the global search interest in finance and stocks has more than doubled in the last five years and hence the tab, to cater to users who are interested in finance and stocks information.

To get the new feature, click on the “more” tab after conducting a search on Google for finance, market or stock-related information in the finance section of Search.


Meanwhile, the company is retiring a few features from Google Finance, including the portfolio feature that allowed users to track their investments.
