
Girls fly, boys bank

CIOL Bureau
Updated On
New Update

BANGALORE: The new economy has changed the way we do business, seek help or information, but when it comes to fresh graduates, they still depend on newspaper advertisement for jobs.


India Relations on behalf of Vati Consulting Pvt Ltd, a Recruitment Process Outsourcing firm, conducted a survey among 500 fresh graduates studying in Bangalore colleges to understand their first job aspirations, their salary expectations and immediate goals.

The 250 male and 250 female candidates who participated in the survey, brought to light their priorities, pay pack and job choices.

Around 39 per cent of male and female candidates said that they still relied on newspaper advertisements when it came to job search. "Several firms have been using internet, consulting firms and job fairs to get suitable candidates. It was pleasantly surprising that the students also agree with our experience of use of print media to find suitable candidate for our clients. About 30-40% of the total recruitment is done through newspaper advertisements, in ITES/ IT industry, which confirms to the survey outcome, " said Amitabh Das, CEO Vati Consulting.


Consultancy firms followed as the second resource with around 30 per cent dependency. Twenty-one per cent of the respondents said they would find job through Job Fairs/Trade Shows.

For the fresh graduates, salaries assume the topmost priority rather than the company itself, while picking up their first job though name and brand of the company still holds importance. Around 49 per cent of the respondent said salaries matter the most, as compared to 19 per cent for the working environment. Around 13 per cent of them gave growth as the third criteria for choosing a company or a job. Also around 50 per cent of male candidates and 57 per cent of female candidates expect starting salaries over and above Rs 10,000 per month.

While everyone is talking about burnouts in the short span of their career, over 71 per cent of them said that they will use their first job as a stop-gap arrangement to get first hand experience. After working for some months or years, they would go in for further studies and the amount earned will be utilised for further studies.


Irrespective of the burnouts or higher studies, 41 per cent of the respondents feel that at the end of the third year they should be occupying middle management level.

Given a choice, over 39 per cent of respondent wanted to work in BPOs, followed by banking and airline industry. Around 26 per cent of male candidates gave second priority to banking and (14 per cent) gave third priority to airline industry, while it was a reverse case with female candidates with 20 per cent opting for airline sector and 18 per cent for banking sector.

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