
Facebook wants you to endorse Clinton or Trump officially on its page

CIOL Writers
New Update
CIOL Facebook wants you to endorse Clinton or Trump officially on its page

Across the globe, publicly endorsing your opinion on social media has always had its share of both appreciation and criticism. However, if you are brave enough to voice out your opinion, then Facebook's new feature will be of some use to you, especially if you are interested in politics.


Facebook has rolled out a new feature that allows users to " target="_blank">endorse presidential candidates, a move directly aiming at the upcoming the US election. The feature allows users to express their support for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, but also extends to anyone whose page classifies them as a political candidate, whether they are running for the Senate or the local city council.

CIOL Facebook wants you to endorse Clinton or Trump officially on its page

It's a simple procedure. Go to your preferred candidate's page, click “Endorsements” in the left-hand column and add your own endorsement. You also have options to either make your endorsements public to everyone or only limited to selected online friends.


Facebook has added one more feature on the candidate's page, “Issues”, that lets candidates list directly in search results their positions.

Last month, Facebook launched a nationwide voter registration campaign, which triggered double to 23 times spikes in registrations across the US, adding thousands of voters.

With Facebook's latest feature, you can endorse yourself as well. You just need to change the category of your page to a" politician, political candidate, or government official,” and get started.

Disclaimer: Be ready for the uninvited comments.

hillary-clinton facebook donald-trump