
Free Wi-Fi for Facebook users soon

New Update

BANGALORE, INDIA: If Facebook was a paid service, it is unlikely it would have been a huge success like now. So, banking on the same principle, Facebook is venturing into prividing free Wi-Fi to its users.


Be it at coffe shops or airport, one need not waste time entering the Wi-Fi password everytime.

Though in a testing period, Facebook seems to be all set to launch the service after it came under attack for its initiative to promote Facebook posts for a fee.

According to agencies, businesses would provide the access via a Facebook router that directs customers to its Facebook page once users check in.


"We are currently running a small test with a few local businesses of a Wi-Fi router that is designed to offer a quick and easy way to access free Wi-Fi after checking in on Facebook," the company confirmed to Inside Facebook, according to agencies.


"When you access Facebook Wi-Fi by checking in, you are directed to your local business¿s Facebook Page," it said.

Page owners can monitor how many new 'Likes' the page received from those who used the Wi-Fi service.
