
Facebook undergoes makeover with circular profile pictures and no blue header

CIOL Writers
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In a bid to provide a cleaner user interface, Facebook has announced new updates to its News Feed that makes navigation easier and convenient.


The first big change is the new comment thread on posts that will now look more like chat bubbles. Also, there will be a new interface for replies that makes it a bit more apparent which posts are replies and which are original comments.


Further, to make posts easier to read and less strainful to eyes, the text color contrast will be amped up and larger link previews as well as larger Like, Comment and Share buttons will make the features easier to read and select. Plus, the profile pictures become more in line with Twitter, shifting from squares to circles.


Finally, News Feed navigation also gets updated with more information about where links ultimately lead to and more- See where a link will take you before clicking on it; See whose post you’re commenting on, reacting to, or reading while you’re in the post; Return to News Feed once you’ve finished reading via a more prominent back button.

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Well, Facebook isn't the only one that is getting a new design. Instagram too is towing the line with a new comment thread, which should make conversations easy to follow. The feature will roll out globally on Android and iOS “in the coming weeks,” Instagram said.

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