
Reimagining The Cloud in 2024

This bold move could pave the way for a future where organizations can leverage the best of both worlds the harnessing the power of the cloud while maintaining control and transparency

CIOL Bureau
New Update


“We are leaving the Cloud” of “Why we have left the Cloud” etc. such repatriation stands published in the social media awakened us to the on cloud reality of the hyperscalers and realities around cost escalations they observed and acted upon. I was eager to delve upon these case study and explore the reason and could find.


The cloud computing landscape is constantly evolving, and a recent move by a leading software company highlights an exciting opportunity for businesses to re-evaluate their cloud infrastructure choices. These customer sheds light on a crucial blind spot. i.e. The hidden costs. While initial promises of cloud savings beckoned them in, a deeper analysis exposed discrepancies in how hyperscalers structure costs and price data movement.

The case study details transitioning away from public cloud services and reclaiming control of their own servers, building their own private on prim cloud, the organization not only achieved significant cost savings but also gained valuable insights into their cloud infrastructure needs. This bold move could pave the way for a future where organizations can leverage the best of both worlds the harnessing the power of the cloud while maintaining control and transparency over their spending. 

Unveiling the Cloud's True Potential


While the public cloud offers undeniable advantages, including agility and scalability, hidden costs and unpredictable pricing models can sometimes create roadblocks to true cost optimization. The customers journey serves as a powerful testament to the potential for cost savings when they have a clear understanding of their infrastructure needs and usage patterns. By moving away from a one-size-fits-all hyperscalers public cloud, they were able to tailor their cloud infrastructure to their specific requirements, resulting in significant financial benefits.

Transparency as a Competitive Advantage

Beyond cost savings, the transition presented a unique opportunity for the company to gain deeper insights into their data usage and cloud infrastructure performance. This newfound transparency empowers them to make informed decisions about their future cloud infrastructure strategy, ensuring they only pay for the resources they truly need. This level of granular control can be invaluable for businesses seeking to optimize their spending and achieve predictable budgeting only possible when they have private on premise cloud setups.


Empowering Customers, Redefining the Cloud Narrative

This case study doesn't advocate for abandoning the cloud entirely, but rather emphasizes the importance of informed decision-making. By understanding their unique needs and leveraging the latest advancements in on-premises technology, businesses can gain valuable insights that empower them to negotiate better cloud deals and hold hyperscalers accountable for hidden costs and hidden surge pricing due to data movement within their cloud workloads. The company's experience is a wake-up call for the cloud industry. It underscores the need for greater transparency, flexibility, and control in cloud offerings. By addressing these concerns and fostering a culture of open dialogue, hyperscalers can unlock the cloud's true potential for innovation and empower customers to achieve their unique goals. This transparency ultimately benefits both cloud providers and their customers, fostering a more collaborative and mutually beneficial relationship. Enterprises should strategically evaluate their specific needs and resource constraints. Key considerations include:

  • Cost: An in-depth analysis of unique public cloud usage patterns and server demands is critical. While the company saw cost savings, it might not be universally applicable.
  • Technical Expertise: Transitioning and maintaining an on-premises cloud infrastructure necessitates a strong internal IT team. Organizations must critically assess their technical capabilities.
  • Control and Security: The public cloud offers convenience, but on-premises cloud grants direct control over data and security. Businesses should weigh the trade-off based on their risk tolerance and regulatory requirements.

The Future of Infrastructure - A Symphony of Cloud Computing choices

The cloud continues to be a powerful tool for businesses, but the future lies in a hybrid approach that leverages the best of both worlds. On-premises cloud infrastructure allows for greater control and transparency, while the public cloud offers unmatched scalability and agility. The future of cloud infrastructure holds exciting possibilities, a paradigm shift due to  advancements in on-premises cloud solutions and hybrid cloud models promise greater efficiency and flexibility. Moving forward, collaboration between customers and cloud providers is key. By fostering transparency, offering flexible pricing models, and embracing customer-centric solutions, the cloud can evolve into a powerful tool for innovation, empowering each user to find their optimal infrastructure fit.

In summary, This is not just about reclaiming control; it's about unlocking the true potential of the cloud. By embracing transparency and choice, businesses can forge a path towards a future where infrastructure empowers innovation and drives sustainable growth. Moving beyond the hype and embracing a critical, customer-centric approach allows the organizations and cloud providers to evolve from a black box into a powerful tool for empowerment and innovation. 


The choice lies not in a binary decision, but in seizing control and finding the infrastructure model that best unlocks value for your organizations cloud requirement and acknowledging future advancements in on-premises cloud solutions in line with evolving cloud infrastructure landscape. 

The article has been written by Rajesh Dangi