Going forward, cloud, virtualization, security and mobility are going to be the major areas of focus for enterprise community, and despite talks of slowdown in technology investments, IT budgets have not taken a set back. However, on the contrary to all the talks around security and the need for it with the onset of new technologies, what is surprising is that security has a very small percentage of share in an enterprise' overall IT budget.
These are some of the findings of a survey, of about 100 chief information officers (CIOs), conducted by CIOL during the recent the C-Change 2013 conference.
About 79 per cent of CIOs have said that cloud and virtualization will be one of their top priorities, followed by security (60 per cent), mobility (52 per cent), and platform (45 per cent).
While, about half of the respondents said that over the last year their IT budget has increased, about 36 per cent said that it has remained the same and another 10 per cent pointed out that their budgets have decreased.
In terms of share in budget, investments on platform occupy a major portion, about 38 per cent, while, cloud and virtualization have 35 per cent, followed by mobility with 25 per cent.
And, when it comes to security, a very small percentage of the IT budget is allocated to it. Roughly about 45 per cent of the respondents have said that less than 10 per cent of their IT budget is devoted for security. There were many who also pointed out that security's share in IT budget is as less as one per cent or even lower that it.
Others devoted about 10-20 per cent of their IT budgets for security. Meanwhile, there were only a very small percentage of the CIO community whose security share in their total IT budget was over 25 per cent.