BANGALORE, INDIA: Digg, the website that allows users 'to discover and share content from anywhere on the web', founded by Kevin Rose acquired WeFollow, the new side project started by him.
According to media reports and blog postings, WeFollow, which is aimed at creating a Twitter directory in which any user can add their account to a category, has a user base of over 654,000 Twitter users.
The site allows users to rank Twitter users in the various categories on the site, creating a good way to see who the top Twitterers are in a given subject area. Though there is no official confirmation, the copyright on the bottom of WeFollow now reads '©2009, Digg Inc', an indication of the acquisition.
However, according to TechCrunch, this wasn’t exactly an acquisition though, because Digg didn’t pay anything for the site. “The data became very useful for Digg and it was awkward keeping it outside of the company,” it quoted a source as saying.
TechCrunch said WeFollow is also changing the way it ranks users. Currently it’s based only on total follower counts on Twitter. In the next day or so, though, WeFollow will change its algorithm and give more weight to users who tag themselves properly, and then have followers who have also tagged themselves similarly.