
Data Validation in Silverlight 3

CIOL Bureau
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BANGALORE, INDIA: We'll take a look at how you can add validation into the system so that there is both client and server side validation of the data that is sent back before it reaches the database.


The RIA SDK builds upon the LINQ model to deliver data both ways. This means that since the model is built from the database itself, some characteristics of the data schema are already present in the data model. This translates into some automatic validations that come into play by default.

For instance, if you have a field which is defined as a number, the user obviously should not be allowed to enter alphabets into it. Also, if you have defined the length of a particular field to be a particular value, the user should not enter strings longer than that. Luckily, such validations occur automatically in the DataForm control when bound to the DomainDataSource.

The DataForm control has built-in validation error displays that get triggered on the client end automatically when the data entered does not match the data model. The error is displayed in a number of ways:
  • A validation error summary block appears near the submit buttons that lets the user know of all the fields that caused errors along with the exact error message. Each error can be clicked to take the focus to the exact field.
  • Each field with an error is highlighted in the form in both the field entry outline as well as the name of the field.
  • On entering any error field (or by clicking a small arrow that appears on its side), that particular field's error message is shown next to it in a small popup tip.

All validations coming from the data model are very good. However, there is usually a need to add much more detailed level of validation into the model for individual fields that make up the data. The first way is to simply modify the metadata of the model itself.

An automatic length and number validation shown in the summary of the DataForm.



Validations with metadata annotations

For this to work, you need to open the MetaData class that was automatically generated when you built the DomainService (as shown in previous articles). For instance, in our case, DomainService was called NWDomainService.cs and the metadata class file was NWDomainService.metadata.cs. Open this up and look for the metadata class for the entity (table) that you wish to add some validation to. For instance, in our case the table we wish to modify is Products hence the metadata class is ProductsMetadata.

This class contains definitions for each field in the database. You can now start adding validations to each of these. But before you do, make sure that these two lines of code exist at the top of the file:

using System.ComponentModel;

using System. ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;


Now go over to the field that you wish to add some validation to and you can use data annotations to specify the validation. For instance, we can add a simple validation called Range to any of the number fields like this:

public Nullable UnitsInStock;

Each field shows the exact error on focus or when you click the small red arrow on the top-right corner.

Run the application and try entering some values outside of this range in the UnitsInStock field. You will see your own validation come up in the same manner as the automatic validations.

You can also add a number of other validations and even go ahead and change the error message if you wish like these:

{4}", ErrorMessage="Please use product naming convention")>

public string ProductName;

public string QuantityPerUnit;

These two annotations (RegularExpression and Required) allow you to specify the respective validations to each field as well as customize the error message that is displayed to the user when there is an error. There are many other data annotation settings that can be used as well.



Using Custom Validations

Data annotations are quite useful in doing a specific set of validations. However, when you wish to do a more complex type of validation you will need to use custom code that that can bind fields against. Silverlight 3 allows creation of custom code on the server side that is automatically shared with the code on the client side by using the shared keyword in the name of the file. For instance, to create a custom validator we can create a file called MyValidations.shared.cs in the Web project. This will automatically be accessible in the client (Silverlight) project as well. To add some validation, open this file and enter the following:

public class MyValidations


public static ValidationResult UnitsValidation(double Units)


if (Units < 100)

return ValidationResult.Success;

return new ValidationResult("Units above stock maximum.");



Add the System. Component Model. Data Annotations namespace to the using statements on the top.

Now go back to the metadata class and add the custom validation to the field you wish like this:

public Nullable UnitsOnOrder;

Since this is a custom validation, you can actually go ahead and add this to all other fields that are numbers as well.

There are some times when you wish for the validation of one field to be based on the value of another. In this case, you can create a custom validation like this:

public static ValidationResult ReorderValidation(double ReorderLevel, ValidationContext ctx)


Product p = (Product)ctx.ObjectInstance;

if (ReorderLevel == (Int32)(p.UnitsInStock/2))

return ValidationResult.Success;

return new ValidationResult("Reorder Level must be exactly 1/2 of Units In Stock");


In this code, the ValidationContext object gives access to the other fields in the entered data against which you can check the current field's value and perform a validation. Again simply add the validation to the field like this:

public Nullable ReorderLevel;

This will ensure that the data in this field will get sent to the validation method correctly along with the rest of the current instance of the object.

As you can see, Silverlight 3 and the RIA SDK allows for fairly complex validation scenarios quite easily and adding them to the metadata means that the data model itself does the validation at both client and server side. Next month we'll take a look at how you can convert this entire application to run outside the browser and for working offline.
