
Cxo of the week: Yogeeta Chainani, CEO and Co-founder of Swaarm

Yogeeta Chainani shared her perspectives and insights about how digital marketers across businesses/brands can leverage emerging technology trends in performance marketing to make growth-oriented data-driven decisions.

Manisha Sharma
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Yogeeta Chainani

Constant advancements in technology and consumer behaviors drive the shifts in the digital marketing landscape and reshape the industry year to year. For instance, in 2023, we’ve watched AI revolutionize how the world thinks about content creation. Digital Marketers not only have to adapt to such changes but also have the difficult task of helping their brands navigate these challenges. 


Swaarm is an innovative tracking and attribution platform that offers solutions for martech tracking, campaign management, attribution, and marketing analytics. Swaarm empowers businesses to seamlessly manage, track, analyze, and optimize their marketing efforts with the highest level of automation, enabling data-driven decision-making and unparalleled scalability in the dynamic digital landscape.

Yogeeta Chainani (CEO) who co-founded Swaarm, in September 2020,  spearheads product innovation, human resources and business development across India and global geographies. Her 10+ years of experience includes prominent stints at global entities like TCS, HERE (a Nokia company), WeQ Global (a leading mobile advertising company), Ocono and Crobo GmbH (a mobile marketing and user acquisition company) in the realm of mobile marketing, performance marketing and Martech. 

In an exclusive interaction with Ciol, Yogeeta Chainani (CEO) and co-founder, Swaarm shared her perspectives and insights about how digital marketers across businesses/brands can leverage emerging technology trends in performance marketing to make growth-oriented data-driven decisions.


What are the key factors contributing to Swaarm's rapid global expansion and its success in establishing a presence in nine geographies within just three years?

Swaarm’s tech products have been engineered from the ground up to help our clients overcome performance marketing challenges and obstacles. This has been a cornerstone of our global success. For example, Swaarm MMP targets industry pain points pertaining to transparency and privacy-focused martech tracking whereas the Swaarm Advance Privacy Suite is steadily helping advertisers navigate the privacy landscape. 
We struck a deep chord with our business partners and agencies such as Aragma, Olamob, Clearpier, Apptrust, Replug, and SoHype across Europe and Asia. This was possible due to our innovative martech tracking and campaign management solutions which empowered them to manage, track, analyze, and optimize their marketing campaigns at scale.
We are versatile and swiftly adapt to our clients’ needs and new market requirements. Backed by stellar investors, we moved forward in creating tech-driven innovative solutions, entered new geographies, and strengthened our team by welcoming skillful individuals. Together, we pursue a better digital advertising landscape for all.
The industry has recognized our efforts by awarding us with the ‘Employer of the Future’ (German Innovation Institute),  Most Advanced Performance Marketing Tracking Platform (German Business Awards 2023), Top50 Startup Awards 2023, Strategic Partner Award ( CPA Meetup), Best App Analytics Platform (app Promotion Summit) amongst others. Such feathers in our cap motivate our team to carry our vision forward. 

Can you elaborate on the significance of Swaarm's seven-figure funding round led by STS Ventures in 2022, and how it has influenced the company's growth trajectory and product innovation?

As shared earlier, the funding empowered us to further build our technology-driven product portfolio, penetrate new markets, and grow our workforce to cater to our expanding customer base across major global geographies.  
To elaborate further, since 2022, we successfully launched  three solutions- Swaarm APS, Swaarm Search Monetization Platform, and Swaarm MMP and forayed into Spain, Malta, and Kenya to name a few along with further strengthening our presence in India, Israel, and the US . 

How has Swaarm managed to triple its global workforce in a short period, and what strategic implications does this expansion have for the company's ability to serve its clients effectively across multiple geographies?

We have a talented and dedicated team of over 20 software developers, data scientists, and business-driven folks committed to creating innovative solutions for clients across geographies. The goal is to foster an environment that is both stimulating  and challenging, allowing motivated individuals who aspire to work in a close-knit team to grow. 
This has had a direct impact on how we engage with our customers.  Our outstanding customer support team functions as an extension of our clients’ internal team and provides exceptional services, from personalized onboarding sessions to daily operations, tailored to meet their business needs.

Among Swaarm's diverse client portfolio, what distinguishes leading global brands from boutique agencies in terms of their utilization of Swaarm's performance marketing tracking platform and innovative features?

The utilization of our platform varies greatly among clients, whether they're global brands or boutique agencies. Each entity tailors their usage to fit their unique business requirements, automating processes or leveraging analytics accordingly. Despite these differences, what remains consistent is their commitment to maximizing the platform's capabilities to meet their objectives. This diverse engagement inspires us to collaborate with them, driving the evolution of our products.

What specific challenges did Swaarm address with the launch of its new measurement and analytics platform, Swaarm MMP, and how does this tech product offer advertisers greater transparency, privacy protection, and automation for optimizing decision-making and scalability?

Swaarm MMP empowers mobile marketers to overcome key challenges including partner management, involving developers to track events, transparency in tracking, fraud detection and control over traffic all in one platform. 
The platform’s transparent tracking technology enables marketers to track every event and analyze relevant data to gain valuable insights that facilitate effective decision-making and scalability. Marketers can also leverage advanced fraud detection technology customized to their domain and use case. 

How does Swaarm's Advanced Privacy Suite (APS) differentiate itself as a comprehensive solution for navigating the evolving privacy landscape, and what advantages does it offer advertisers in terms of compliance and data protection?

APS is the industry's first complete solution enabling privacy without compromising performance measurement and advertising functionality. It empowers marketers to concentrate on creating meaningful, successful advertising campaigns by eliminating the complexity associated with the privacy features introduced by mobile and desktop platforms. 
Here are some of the key benefits of APS solution:
  • Ensures the user's privacy is maintained- the data tracked across iOS, Android and the Web is linked to campaigns or traffic sources instead of individual user profiles
  • Increases efficiency of marketing campaigns by ensuring the availability of data needed for anti-fraud solutions
  • Accurately assess campaign performance regardless where it is running

Can you elaborate on the capabilities of Swaarm's Privacy Enabled Attribution (PEA Chain) solution, particularly in overcoming challenges posed by Apple's iOS 14 update, and how it enhances advertisers' ability to track campaign performance and traffic sources across advertising networks?

Apple’s iOS14 update not only led to a reduction in ROI for advertisers but also limited ad tracking and targeting capabilities. Privacy Enabled Attribution (PEA Chain) is a powerful tool that empowers marketers to continue capturing campaign and traffic sources throughout the whole advertising network chain in line with the realm of Apple’s privacy regulations.

For instance, when an advertiser runs a campaign via Swaarm’s platform, it generates a special token called “PEA Chain” that is passed in the click and can be retrieved in the postback. The token contains all the information needed for networks and agencies to determine the campaign and traffic source. It empowers advertisers to successfully navigate these significant changes while respecting user privacy.

What innovative features does Swaarm offer, such as the industry-first feed API configurator and View-through attribution, and how do these features empower advertisers to dynamically set offers, gain attribution insights, and mitigate fraudulent activities in their campaigns?

As mentioned earlier, Swaarm's features are tailor-made through close collaboration with clients, ensuring precise alignment with their business requirements. During the development of the Swaarm MMP, we recognized the challenges advertisers face in managing multiple platforms to achieve their objectives. For instance, they may require a partner marketing platform to manage partnerships, track campaign budgets and payouts, an in-house analytics tool for analyzing in-app user behavior, and even a separate fraud detection tool. Understanding these needs inspired us to create a comprehensive solution within Swaarm's platform, enabling advertisers to address all these requirements in one place.

In what ways can digital marketers in India leverage Swaarm's suite of products and emerging technology trends, including AI adoption and data-driven decision-making, to optimize their performance marketing campaigns and stay competitive in the evolving digital landscape?

Swaarm's suite of products is helping marketers make data-driven decisions. Marketers can leverage Swaarm technology products to manage, track, analyze, and optimize their marketing campaigns at scale. AI’s relevance and adoption have become a mainstream phenomenon. Marketers are already adopting AI for its ability to -
  • analyze enormous volumes of data and detect patterns that are hard to find manually, 
  • predicting trends based on historical data
  • analyze customer data and use it to create personalized marketing campaigns
  • improve customer engagement and loyalty,
  • imagnify the overall customer experience
  • automate routine operational activities and more