
CSR and OriginGPS accelerate adoption of wearable devices with small form factor and low power GNSS modules

New Update

CAMBRIDGE, UK; SAN JOSE,USA & JERUSALEM, ISRAEL: CSR plc and OriginGPS announced a series of high-performance GNSS modules using CSR's SiRFstarIV and SiRFstarV product lines.


The new modules are 70 percent smaller than current solutions and deliver a 30 percent reduction in Time To First Fix (TTFF), making them ideal for health and fitness trackers, sports watches, medical devices, wearable action cameras, and digital still cameras. All modules, including the newly released 7mm x 7mm Multi Spider (ORG4572) solution, integrate the LNA, SAW filter, TCXO, RTC crystal and RF shield.

"To accelerate market adoption of location technologies in wearable devices and cameras, manufacturers must minimise the embedded GNSS module size without compromising on performance, sensitivity, or power consumption," says Anthony Murray, senior VP, Business Group at CSR. "By leveraging CSR's industry-leading GNSS solutions and collaborating with OriginGPS on module development we have achieved this objective."

The OriginGPS modules offer unparalleled sensitivity resulting in shorter autonomous and aided TTFF, better navigation stability, and higher accuracy in harsh environmental conditions.


In real-life testing of the module in camera applications, TTFF performance improves by over 30 percent compared to other solutions. The module also delivers TTFF results in less than one minute over 90% of the time (Cold Starts).
