MUMBAI: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society (IEEE CS) and the Computer Society of India (CSI) have come together to bring new products and services to India’s computer scientists and IT professionals. The agreement allows for reciprocal discounts on membership fees and other products and services to CSI’s over 20,000 members and IEEE CS’s one-lakh members. Both organizations have agreed to cooperate in developing conferences, forums, publications, electronic publishing initiatives and standards, educational materials and other services to meet the continuing development needs of technical professionals and to advance the profession worldwide.
CSI, President, AK Pathak, said, "This alliance will go a long way in improving technical value content to the nation and will improve access to world class information at the doorsteps of Indian Professionals." CSI, National Executive Director, Deepak Shikarpur, "This alliance marks the beginning of a new era of global co-operation. Indian professionals can now look forward to a globally branded certification."
CSI will represent the IEEE Computer Society’s new Certified Software Development Program (CSDP) to members and software professionals in India. The demand for fully trained, competent software engineers has been increasing as the computer industry expands and systems become more complex and sophisticated. Newly launched in 2002, the CSDP examination was designed to assist in the establishment of a recognized discipline and to meet industry demands.