
Create your own E-Commerce site

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Quick E-Commerce with

PHP and PayPal


Peter Lavin

August 28, 2003


Finding a secure method of payment can be a problem for small

businesses without merchant credit card accounts or access to a

secure server. This article concerns creating an e-commerce site

using your own shopping cart or a third-party cart in conjunction

with PayPal. This solution will maximise the business

benefits and minimise the inconvenience to the customer. A

database and server-side scripting will be implemented using

MySQL and PHP. Some knowledge of these technologies

and of HTML is assumed.


Using PayPal is an inexpensive way to implement

e-commerce. To find out if it suits your needs simply go to the

PayPal site and read the information provided there. In

order to use PayPal a business account needs to be set up.

This is a fairly straightforward matter and will not be dealt

with here. Once your account is set up you might want to read the

article entitled "Adding PayPal to Your 3rd

Party shopping Cart" found in the "How-To

Articles" of "PayPal Developers Network". It

forms the basis for this discussion. It may be found at the URL,


When using a third party shopping cart with PayPal you

have only two options. You can pass your entire shopping cart to

PayPal and show detailed purchase information or you can

pass in only a total. You cannot pass both your shopping cart

items and detailed customer information. Passing in the contents

of your cart means that your customer will have to duplicate

information already entered into your database. Given the

precariousness of retail e-commerce transactions this is not a

viable option. For this reason, we have chosen to pass in summary

information. Additionally, capturing customer information in our

own database rather than one that resides at PayPal makes

better business sense. It will be more easily accessible and more

easily manipulated.

The only minor downside to this option is that your customers

will not receive details of their order with their PayPal

invoice. However, this can easily be remedied with an e-mail from

your site.

Let's assume that our customer is viewing order details and is about to complete his purchase. We present him with a confirmation screen that shows the details of his order and a summary. To submit his order he only needs to click the "Place" button

The remainder of this article discusses what happens when the

"Place" button is pressed. When this button is

pressed a page called "paypal.php" will be invoked

and three values will be passed in a query string. These are, the

number of items purchased, the total cost and the unique

identifier for our current customer. The dynamically created code

to invoke this page might well look like this:


This is all the information we need to complete the


Collecting the Information

This section deals in detail with all the code in our

"paypal.php" page. Explanatory comments have been

added. Discussion will be broken up into three parts. The first

part will deal with hard-coded information that doesn't

change, next the information passed in the query string is

retrieved and finally the customer data  from our MySQL


This page will not be visible to the user. It includes a form

but every input type on the page is "hidden". This

page will be invoked after the user has reviewed and confirmed

his order on your website. Any information needed for order

fulfillment or follow-up has already been captured to the

database and presented to the user. This page merely consolidates

all the information required by PayPal and automatically

submits it using JavaScript.

Hard-Coded Information

A number of the parameters needed by PayPal can be

hard-coded right into your page. For example, the

"action" attribute of the "form" is the

page at PayPal that is set up to accept submission of your

order. At the time of writing, it is as follows:



Since we wish to send detailed customer information, the input

control with the name attribute set to "cmd" must

have a value of "_ext-enter".


The next line is also a requirement for using extended values.
Its value must be set to "_xclick". In this way we

will be able to pass our customer information to PayPal

and not require that it be re-entered.


After submission to PayPal, the user is returned to
your site and the success or failure of the transaction is

confirmed. This will be handled in a page called

"notify.php", but feel free to name it whatever you

like. A query string called "status" will be examined

in order to output an appropriate message to the user.

value = "http:// site>/notify.php?status=F">

Enter the appropriate values for the next set of items.

Remember, the value of the input "business" will be

the same as the e-mail address of your Paypal account.
Likewise with "item_name" and "shipping".
The first shipping value represents the cost of shipping the
first item and the second the cost of each additional item.



If handling shipping costs in this way does not meet your

requirements PayPal provides other ways of doing this.

These are described in the article mentioned earlier.

Information Retrieved from Query String

As shown in our graphic above, detailed order information was

presented to the user in the previous page and will not be

re-presented at the PayPal site. Paypal still needs

summary information in order to bill the correct amount. This

will now be retrieved from the query string passed to this page.

The number of items is also retrieved as this will affect

shipping costs.

//get values from previous page

$quantity = $HTTP_GET_VARS<'quantity'>;

$total = $HTTP_GET_VARS<'total'>;

echo "


echo "


The "customerid" parameter was also passed in to

this page but will be retrieved when needed to create a database


Information From the Database

First a note about the database. Assume a customer table with

the following structure:

Field             Type              Key    

int(11)           Primary Key


lastname          varchar(50)

firstname         varchar(50)

streetaddress1    varchar(50)

streetaddress2    varchar(50)


stateprov         varchar(50)


country           varchar(50)

password          varchar(50)

dateadded         timestamp(14)

The customer information needs to be retrieved from the

database. Let's create a connection and the SQL query to

retrieve the information we wish to pass to PayPal.

//include database password information etc.

$hostname = "";

$username = "user";

$password = "password";

if(!($link = mysql_connect($hostname,


      die("Could not connect to database.");

$databasename = "mydatabase";


      die("Could not open table.");

/*Retrieve the information from the database using the primary


$customerid = $HTTP_GET_VARS<'id'>;

$strsql="SELECT email, firstname, lastname, streetaddress1, ".

      "streetaddress2, city, stateprov, pcode FROM

      "tblcustomer WHERE id = '$customerid'";

if(!($rs= mysql_query($strsql, $link)))

      die("Could not open table.");

//only one row should be returned

$row = @ mysql_fetch_array($rs);

The form is now completed with the information retrieved from

the database.

// now complete the form

echo "


echo "


echo "


echo "

value = \"$row\">

echo "



echo "


echo "


echo "



You might have noticed that there is no "submit"

button associated with our "paypal.php" page. Because

our customer has already confirmed his order, code is used to

submit this form to PayPal. The following JavaScript code

will execute after the page has loaded and your customer will not

see the "paypal.php" page at all.

Your customer will now be looking at a summary of his order on

the PayPal site. All personal information will already be

filled in.


An economical e-commerce solution was created using

PayPal. A secure e-commerce transaction can be conducted

in this way at minimal cost. Business benefits were maximised

because we were able to retain full control of customer

information in our own database and the customer was not

inconvenienced by having to enter the same information twice.

About the Author

Peter Lavin runs a Web Design/Development firm in Toronto,

Canada. He has been published in a number of magazines and online sites, including, php|architect and International PHP Magazine. He is a contributor to the recently published O'Reilly book, PHP Hacks and is also the author of Object Oriented PHP, published by No Starch Press.

Please do not reproduce this article in whole or part, in any form, without obtaining written permission.
