
Composite Entity

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Avijeet Dash and Satyabrata



The appropriate design of entity beans has been a subject of on-going debate.

Entity beans represent shared, transactional persistent objects. The

best-practice while designing entity beans is to avoid as much as inter-entity

bean communications, as they are resource-intensive and affect the performance

of the system. To avoid inter-entity bean communication the entity beans has to

be designed to represent a graph of objects rather than one fine-grained object.

One of the bad-practice is to map each table in the database to an entity bean.

This is a multi-dimensional problem. The symptoms of the problem are the system

becomes slow and difficult to maintain.

Entity beans are remote objects and when entity beans are designed in a

schema-isomorphic manner i.e. individual beans represent one table each in the

database, the fine-grained entity beans. The attributes map in a one-to-one

manner to the tables and the methods are fine-grained set and get methods. The

problem happens when fine-grained entity beans represent dependent objects,

whose life cycle is managed by some other object. When dependent objects are

implemented as entity beans that leads to inter-entity bean communications,

which are expensive, and resource crunching. Typically entity beans are

considered as one row in a table and that leads to the design of fine-grained

entity beans. Composite entity changes this view and one entity bean represents

a collection of data across multiple tables instead of one row in one table.

The best practice is to design coarse-grained persistent business objects as

entity beans. In such cases the entity bean represents a graph of objects. The

graph of objects is between a coarse-grained parent object and dependent child

objects. The relationship can be represented in form of a tree with the parent

(coarse-grain) object as the root and the dependent objects as leafs which in

turn may have more dependent objects. An object is coarse-grained when it

manages the life cycle of itself as well as that of the dependent objects, which

doesn’t have any existence of their own leaving the coarse-grained object.


For example

Objects like Asset and Contract are dependent objects on Account
object. Account object should be designed as a coarse-grained entity bean. We

avoid creating entity beans for the dependent objects.


Objects like Address, Name and Phone numbers are dependent objects on Person.

Person is the parent object, which manages the life cycle of such objects. If

Person doesn’t have an independent existence without an account then it

becomes a dependent object to account.

Dependent versus Independent Objects


Coarse grained objects like Account and Person can be implemented as java

objects contained in AccountEntity, PersonEntity objects or AccountEntity,

PersonEntity objects themselves may implement as the coarse grained objects.

Sequence diagram for

Composite entity or Aggregate Enity


Implementing the Composite Entity Pattern

When a Composite entity implements the Coarse grained object, It holds its

own fields as well as the dependent objects. Clients expect coarse-grained

methods as well as composite view of the data. Composite entity exposes a

composite view of the data comprising of its own data and data from dependent



When multiple levels of dependent objects are present, loading and storing of

data of multiple dependent objects can cause considerable overhead. To optimize

loading and storing of data through ejbLoad() and ejbStore(), lazy loading

strategy and Dirty marker strategy has to be implemented. The EJB2.0

Specification addresses the Lazy loading strategy and the Store optimization


The Lazy Loading strategy is about not loading dependent objects unless they

are required. It’s about Loading dependent objects data on demand for first

time and reloading them on subsequent ejbLoads. Store optimization is about

using a dirty marker to identify objects that have been updated and store only

those to the persistent store.


Composite Entity beans can be implemented as BMP (bean managed persistence)

as well as CMP (container managed persistence) beans. To implement as CMP beans

an O-R mapping tool has to be used. Generally it’s implemented as BMP. One

good practice could be to implement fine-grained entity beans as CMP bean and

coarse-grained bean using BMP. To avoid inter-entity direct interaction one

other approach could be using entity beans in session façade methods.

Sample Code


This sample code is found at



Core J2EE Patterns, Deepak Alur, John Crupi, Dan Malks

(The authors are senior developers at MindTree Consulting. They can be

reached at


