
Cleartrip CEO arrested, released on bail

CIOL Bureau
New Update

GURGAON, INDIA: Stuart Crighton, CEO of online travel agent Cleartrip and Amit Taneja, former CEO of Desiya Online Travel Distribution were formally arrested on Monday in Gurgaon, and released immediately on bail, Cleartrip has disclosed on its blog.


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It was eight months back that Travelocity India, a major online travel company, filed an FIR against Cleartrip, accusing it of data theft.

In the complaint, Travelocity accused Cleartrip CEO Crighton, a British national, of conniving with senior executives of Desiya to pilfer data. However, Cleartrip said the allegation is baseless.


“We, at Cleartrip, believe that the FIR filed by Travelocity is misconceived and baseless,” the company blog said. “We are writing this here on our blog because Cleartrip has always committed itself to the highest standards of transparency and integrity with respect to our customers and in everything we do.”

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Cleartrip COO P.K.X. Thomas also said that there was no truth in the case against their officials. He said the case of data theft has been slapped on the company “out of professional rivalry”.
