
Classes and Methods

CIOL Bureau
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New Update

Sonali Gogate


Defining Classes


class MyClass
	private long ID;
	public string Name;
	public static void main()

As you can see the syntax is very simple and quite similar to C++.


Class Members



This is a member variable that holds a value.


This is a piece of code that acts on other members such as fields(object




These are also called smart fields

— that is because though these are methods, they appear as fields from outside

the class.



These are smart arrays. These let you index into objects to get and set



These, cause some code to be executed. These get fired by certain action

taken (like key press or mouse move) or after certain time interval (timer




In C# one can overload the standard mathematical operators so as to have

intuitive code.





Only one copy of the member (not one per instance of the class).

Member is created when application containing the class is loaded and

is in existence for the life of that application.


Applied to fields.

You can only set the value of the field in the constructor. Everywhere

else, it is "read only".


Used for fields and defines constants. The difference between this and readonly

is that for const the value needs to be set at design time while for readonly

you can set it at runtime in the constructor.


Applied to a class.

Ensures that no class is inherited from this class.

Access Modifiers

In the class definition at the beginning of the article, private

and public are access


In C# we have the following access modifiers —

Access Modifier

Meaning of this modifier


Member is accessible from outside of the class definition.


Member visible only from inside of the class definition (accessible by

derived classes)


Member visible only in the scope of the definition (not accessible even

from derived classes)


Member is visible in current compilation unit. (Accessible to derived

classes if they are defined in the same compilation unit.)

Example —

class MyClass


public int a; // each field separately needs the

public int b; // modifier

protected int c; // not like C++ where you club

protected int d; // all fields under a modifier

private int e;



Constructor is a method that is always called when an instance of this class

is created and we can pass parameters to it.

In C# you can have a static

constructor — which means it is called only once — not for each instance of

the class.

In C# there is only one way to instantiate a class — using the new

keyword. And that is when the constructor is called.

MyClass myclass; // constructor not called at this point

myclass = new MyClass(); // constructor is called

C# object constructors (except for System.Object) include an invocation of

base class’s constructor before execution of first line of constructor.

Object Cleanup

In C#, in fact in the .Net world itself, the cleanup is done by Garbage

Collector (GC).

The GC keeps track of which objects are being referenced and it has a low

priority thread always scanning to see which objects are no longer referenced.

There is another thread, which does the actual cleanup after calling the object


Note: It is important to understand that you can not depend on the

finalizers being called in any specific order.


In C# there is no multiple inheritance. So a class can inherit only from one



Main Method

Every C# application must have a main method that is a public


The main method can be placed in any class. In fact you can define main

method in more than one class and then pass a switch to compiler to indicate

which main method is to be used. (csc MyFile.cs /main:MyClass)

The command line arguments can be passed in as parameters to the main method.

public static void Main(string<> args)

Ref & Out Parameters

Ref Parameter

While passing parameters, if the keyword ref

is used, then it tells the C# compiler that the arguments being passed points to

the same memory as the variables in the calling code. That means, if these are

modified in the called module, the changes go back to the calling module.

Out Parameter

When you do want to send change back to the calling module from the called

module but do have a value coming in from the called module, you would use an out

parameter. To be able to use a ref

parameter, it needs to be initialized in the calling module, while as the out

parameter can be passed in and handled completely in the called module.

Example —

In this example we get the city, state and the postal code.

class CityState
	private string City;
	private string State;
	private string Code;
	public CityState()		// constructor
		this.City = "Mumbai";
		this.State = "Maharashtra";
		this.Code = "400001";

	// we use out parameters here
	// we could use ref params too but then they would need to
	// be initialized in the calling method
	public void GetCityStatePCode(out string Postalcode,
out string CityName,
out string StateName)
		CityName = this.City;
		StateName = this.State;
		PostalCode = this.Code;
class testCode
	public static void main()
		CityState citystate = new CityState();
		string City;
		string State;
		string PostalCode;
// If the params were to be ref instead of out we would
// need to assign values to them here before calling
//the method

		CityState. GetCityStatePCode(out City, out State,
out PostalCode);


Method overloading in C# works pretty much like in C++. And you would need to

remember that the list of arguments has to be different for each definition of

the overloaded method.

Virtual &Static Methods

A static method exists one per class instead of one per instance.

When you define a virtual method

in the base class, it can be overridden from the derived class by using the override

keyword while defining the method in the derived class.
