AHMEDABAD: Gujarat is a state where each and every terrace boasts of a trade. It is the headquarters of small-scale industries. While all these terrace venues may not use Cisco routers or implement SAP, migrations to bigger business by these very entrepreneurs to SMB segment will certainly benefit the ERP business.
From textiles to machinery, pharmaceuticals to chemicals, milk to milk products, Gujarat has been long and still remains a production economy. It is with this aim that the CIOL SMB Forum was organized at Ahmedabad. The attendees used the platform to understand the nitty gritties of the business - of running a business the IT way.
However, the fact remains that Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) are still lagging in IT awareness. As the ERP application managers listened to SAP, Business Development Manager with Essar Group, Ravi Singh, a majority of them wanted to know the size and cost of implementing ERP.
In the panel discussion, B.M.Shah who handles the IT and Accounts in Lalbhai group of companies warned that unless the companies are willing to go for recurring investments in ERP, the system could become a liability. “First of all there is an initial turbulence, then there a problem when too much customization is carried out,” he pointed out.
In fact this was the reason why Mudra Communication’s Sebastian Joseph did not implement SAP at his center. According to him, customization of SAP for an advertising industry is as high as 70 per cent. Instead, his team has developed own ERP based on Linux.
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