
Checkout the world's most annoying alarm app

New Update

SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA: Created by Delight Room Co., Ltd., Alarmy (Sleep If You Can) will be offered for free for one week, but is normally priced at $1.99. The promotion begins Monday, January 20th and goes for one full week.


The mobile app, which has been dubbed as the "World's Most Annoying Alarm," gives users multiple methods of setting the alarm.

During a recent promotion, the Alarmy app got to Number One in the Lifestyle category. Alarmy, Sleep If You Can has been featured by Cnet, Gizmodo, Huffington Post and many other sites and was ranked as Number One in its category in 36 countries, including England, Japan, America, France, Spain and Russia.

Though it's easy to set the alarm, it can be very difficult to shut it off depending upon which method an individual uses. The popular iPhone app can be set so that all you have to do is swipe it in order to turn it off. There is also an option where the user takes a photo of some location nearby and then in order to turn off the alarm, the user must get out of bed and go take a photo of that exact same location.

There are accuracy settings available as well and these can define how accurate the photo must be in order to work. For instance, if the accuracy level is set to "high", then the user will have to match the photo on file exactly before the alarm will stop ringing. On the other hand, if set to "low," the photo does not need to be an exact match in order to work.

The iPhone app also offers numerous annoying ring tones designed to be so aggravating that the individual will be forced to wake up. This is especially helpful for those people who have had a lifelong problem with getting anywhere on time. Users who are not all that serious about getting up on time, have devised clever ways around the requirements by taking a photo of the ceiling over their bed. In order to turn off the alarm, all they have to do is wake up enough to take a picture of the ceiling and then fall back to sleep.
