
By 2024, over 50 percent of Li-ion battery business will be for hybrid and pure electric cars

New Update

CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND: The lithium-ion battery business is growing rapidly to many tens of billions of dollars yearly, thanks to billions of dollars continuing to be invested in the industry.


Their use is widening well beyond e-readers, tablets, laptops and mobile phones with vehicles being particularly important for the future; mainly hybrid electric and pure electric vehicles by land, water and air. Many suppliers are collapsing while Tesla with Panasonic is about to out invest the leaders.

Hybrid and pure electric cars will be much more than half of the value of this market by the end of the decade. About 70 percent of the relatively small number of manufacturers of these have committed to only three suppliers over the next three years. However, everything about Li-ion is changing, including all electrode and electrolyte chemistry and morphology. There have been severe safety blunders by some big names.

All this underlines the importance of keeping up to date with the chemistry, commercial thrust and success as is now possible with this unique market research report "Analysis of over 140 Lithium-based Rechargeable Battery Manufacturers: Chemistry, Strategy, Success".
