
Borland announces JBuilder product roadmap

CIOL Bureau
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New Update

BANGALORE: Borland Software Corporation, provider of software delivery optimization, has announced details around the future of JBuilder, Borland's Java integrated development environment. According to the press release, the roadmap includes an increasing investment in Eclipse as JBuilder's underlying integration framework, the introduction of new innovative developer collaboration and productivity capabilities, and a clear path for developers to take advantage of Borland's Software Delivery Optimization vision.

Over the next year, Borland is planning to introduce two new JBuilder products that address the evolving needs of enterprise Java developers. The first, JBuilder 2006, is expected to ship later this year. It will be followed in the first half of next year by a new commercial JBuilder product, codenamed "Peloton," that will utilize Eclipse as its underlying integration framework. Customers on JBuilder support and maintenance will be entitled to free upgrades to both products.

Since JBuilder's introduction in 1997, Borland has offered enterprise Java developers a way to simplify and harness the latest technologies and Java standards to build better software, faster. The next generation of JBuilder will be designed to continue this tradition, while also addressing the growing challenges of managing distributed teams, larger projects and the expanded role that developers now play in the software delivery cycle.

In future versions of JBuilder, Borland also plans to provide developers with more real-time visibility into the impact of code changes across application tiers as well as projects.
