
Bolstering the Weak Links in Your Data Security Policy

A strong security policy that is enforced effectively is the only way to ensure a high level of data security within the organization.

CIOL Bureau
New Update
Data Security

By Anjani Kumar, Country Manager -India & SAARC at Raritan


Today, the threat landscape has evolved considerably with a rapidly growing number of cyber- attacks. As governments and businesses become more digital than ever, they cannot ignore the looming data security threats. When investing in complex security solutions, they often overlook the basics such as ensuring proper configuration of their IT devices and systems.

Also, one of the most important components of any security policy is the ease of enforcement. No matter how watertight your security policy may be, the entire effort is moot if it is not enforced effectively. A strong security policy that is enforced effectively is the only way to ensure a high level of data security within the organization.

As per the Annual Survey of Incidents and Breaches Trends revealed in the 2017 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR), some of the top drivers for attacks were malware (51%), stolen or insufficient passwords (81%). The survey also showed that 62% of all data breaches resulted from hacking efforts.


Strong Passwords – As basic as it may sound, weak or stolen passwords were behind a whopping 63% of data breaches in 2016. Yet, most businesses fail miserably when it comes to addressing the issue of password security weaknesses within their organization. Nor surprising then that 81% of hacking related breaches in 2017 were a result of stolen or weak passwords. Some of the common mistakes that most businesses make are relying on default passwords, using the same password for all accounts, or digitally storing your passwords in an email, note or text message. Businesses need to put greater focus on ensuring that employees create strong passwords. They also need to insist on other common-sense guidelines such as requiring passwords to be updated regularly, inclusion of special characters, use of both upper and lower-case letters, at least one number, and mandating that passwords are within 8-16 characters.

Stringent-Endpoint Protection, Including KVM Switches Securing endpoints is one of the most important aspects of maintaining a secure environment and ward off hacking attempts. While updated anti-virus software protection is absolutely essential, investing in KVM switches can provide the much-needed boost to your endpoint security. KVM switches work by dismantling cyber-attacks at their onset. They help mitigate the destructive power of a cyber-attack by eliminating risky data sharing and blocking signals. They also increase data control and remove desktop clutter to further strengthen their security.

Segment the Network – Given that over 50% of inside data thefts were as a result of administrative privileges being exploited, segmentation of the network makes immense sense. In addition, network segmentation can limit the damage that hackers can inflict, should they gain access to your network. This must be done in conjunction with efforts to track employee actions and immediately flag anomalous behaviour for immediate review and action.


Limit Network Access – For network segmentation to work, it is also important to impose limits on network access. For example, allowing your employees to sign into your network from an insecure WIFI connection, means exposing yourself to hackers and inviting cyber-attacks and hackers. Having strict guidelines that require SSH, VPN, and data encryption for signing in are important to deter hackers. Taking steps to limit network access to trusted hosts, and using customized Internet-connected device configurations for sign-in can also help secure your network.

iPDUs combined with a platform works best – Intelligent PDUs can help businesses leverage a customized engineering model that is designed to meet specific requirements. In addition, platforms (like Xerus) enable businesses to enjoy the benefits of interoperable architecture and firmware. At the same time, they allow for the much-needed flexibility and reliability to bolster IT security defenses.

A Simple Yet Strong Policy that Works – Simplicity can be an important success factor to ensure that your security policy is followed and implemented on the ground and is hence effective. There is no point in throwing money to shore-up your IT security defenses if you aren’t able to enforce your security policy.


A well-orchestrated approach to security that combines KVM switches, Intelligent PDUs, the right technology platform and a simple security policy that is well enforced, is what today’s data-driven businesses and organizations  ought to do to safeguard themselves against security vulnerabilities.

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