
Big transition in DX era expected in 2016

DX news

Sharath Kumar
New Update

SINGAPORE: There will be a transition in the DX era in 2016 as enterprises “flip the switch”, committing to a massive new scale of DX and 3rd Platform technologies in order to stake out leadership positions in the hyper-digital economy, according to IDC Asia Pacific.


The company has drawn up its top predictions for the region, highlighting how DX is accelerating growth on the 3rd platform and challenging the current CIO leadership model.

The Top Predictions:

1. By the end of 2017, 60pc of the APAC top 1000 (A1000) enterprises will have digital transformation (DX) at the center of their corporate strategy.

2.By 2017, 60pc of companies with a DX strategy will deem it too critical for any one functional area and create an independent corporate executive position to oversee the implementation.


3.By 2017, over 60pc of organizations' ICT spending will be for 3rd platform technologies, solutions and services, rising to nearly 80pc by 2020.

4.By 2018, 80pc of B2C and 60pc of B2B organizations will overhaul their “digital front door” to support 1,000 to 10,000 times as many customers/customer touch-points as they do today.

5. Through 2018, two-thirds of CIOs will have embraced "Leading in 3D," which requires them to simultaneously innovate, integrate, and incorporate.


6. By 2018, 70pc of siloed digital transformation initiatives will ultimately fail due to insufficient collaboration, integration, sourcing or project management.

7. By 2020, enterprises pursuing DX strategies will more than double their software development capabilities; two-thirds of their coders will focus on strategic DX apps and services.

8. By 2018, 35pc of IT resources will be spent to support the creation of new digital revenue streams.


9. By 2016, 40pc of IT organizations will shift their focus to advanced 'contain and control' security and away from a perimeter mentality.

10. By 2017, two-thirds of Asian-based CIOs will initiate a data transformation and governance framework to turn information into a competitive business differentiator.

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