
Arbor releases Q3 global DDoS attack trends data

New Update

DUBAI, UAE: Arbor Networks Inc., a leading provider of DDoS and advanced threat protection solutions for enterprise and service provider networks, released data on global distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack trends for the first three quarters of 2013.


The data shows that DDoS continues to be a global threat, with alarming increases in attack size this year.

Darren Anstee, Solutions architect for Arbor Networks, said: "Arbor Networks' ATLAS system gives tremendous visibility into Internet traffic patterns and threat evolution. As more service provider customers participate, we gain even more visibility into what is going on out there.

"Much like the growth in DDoS attacks themselves, we've seen tremendous growth in ATLAS. In Q2, ATLAS monitored 47Tb/sec of peak IPv4 traffic. In Q3, that number rose 46 percent to 69Tb/sec. This is a significant portion of all Internet traffic, and provides Arbor researchers, customers with a truly unique view of the global attack landscape."


Key findings: DDoS attack size accelerating rapidly

* 54 percent of attacks so far this year are over 1Gb/sec, up from 33 percent in 2012.

* 37 percent of attacks so far this year are in the 2-10 Gb/sec range, up from 15 percent last year.

* 44 percent growth in proportion of attacks over 10Gb/sec, to 4 percent of all attacks.

* More than 350 percent growth in the number of attacks monitored at over 20Gb/sec so far this year, as compared to the whole of 2012.

* For 2013, an average DDoS attack now stands at 2.64Gb/sec, up 78 percent from 2012.

* 87 percent of all attacks monitored so far this year last less than one hour.

* Largest monitored and verified attack size increases significantly to 191Gb/sec.
