
An intuitive PC app to maintain work-life balance

Sapience Buddy is an intuitive PC application for working professionals to help them to achieve work-life balance

Soma Tah
New Update

BANGALORE, INDIA: Finally, working professionals have an answer to the question - “Where did my day go?”


Sapience Analytics, the workforce analytics company has launched Sapience Buddy, a user-friendly and intuitive PC application for working professionals to help them to achieve work-life balance.

Today’s Digital World is characterized by a highly interwoven work and personal life, and increasing frequency of technology interrupts from the always-on smartphone and email and chat pop-ups on the PCs.

Sapience Buddy allows you to get back in control. The application automatically discovers your daily work patterns and time spent on multiple work activities.


Its cool Sapience Work Yoga feature guides users on simple changes to work habits that can have a dramatic impact on both productivity and wellness.

Wellness prompts nudge you to take a break in case of too much time at your desk. Users feel a sense of satisfaction from knowing that they put in their best effort.

The Sapience data is “for your eyes only” – it remains absolutely confidential on your PC and is not uploaded to any Server.

Shirish Deodhar, Co-founder and CEO of Sapience Analytics said, “Sapience Buddy is our response to serve professionals globally who are increasingly becoming conscious about the benefits of mindfulness at work. These professionals include independent consultants, work from home freelancers, employees at small firms (accounting, legal, architects), and at large organizations too.

The Sapience Buddy Lite version is a free vercion. The Pro version is available for $2 per month.

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