
This amazing tablet teaches kids how to code

CIOL Writers
New Update
Makepad Tablet

Coding is an art that many think requires a high level of specialist training and knowledge. Well, that's not the case anymore. Today technology has made so much progress that a 10-year old kid can learn the basics of coding while sitting at home. One such venture has been launched as a Kickstarter campaign by MakePi.


MakePi, an EdTech hardware startup has launched MakePad- a tablet that can be used by children to learn to code and build something creative. The tablet allows kids to learn to code, create digital music, develop games, apps, and more. Also, the tablet brings in cool and engaging lessons with nice storytelling that guide kids (as well as adults) through the complexities of coding.

The MakePad tablet sports a 10.1-inch touchscreen display with the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B platform used for programming. The unit comes with 16GB SD card. An 8000 milliAmp hour battery is included with the system but no claims are made about the longevity of one charge while in use. It also boasts of four USB ports, Bluetooth 4.0, -802.11nn wireless LAN and 40 GPIO pins are available for long-term expansion.


Thanks to MakePad's embedded applications, there is no need for Internet access to use it (making it a perfect educational tool for schools in developing countries with poor or non-existent internet connection). Further, the OS is available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

The MakePad tablet is very easy to assemble and can be done by any kid in a couple of minutes. All you need to do is connect the colour coded cables to their appropriate places and a quarter of a turn of some screw connections. You can also customize your MakePad adding your favourite Lego bricks to it.

MakePad will be available on Kickstarter for $249. The estimated delivery date is October 2018.

code tablet