
How is Medexpert Uberizing Hospital Services in the wake of and post-pandemic?

Mr Mohan P, CEO, Medexpert, sheds light on the genesis, the work methodology, plans for 2021 and how Oracle has helped Agile Health. 

Laxitha Mundhra
New Update
How is Agile Health Medexpert Uberizing Hospital Services in the wake of and post-pandemic?

The advent of digital technologies in healthcare is helping transform unsustainable healthcare systems of yesterday into sustainable ones. Modern tech is reducing inefficiencies in the healthcare continuum. It is also paving the way for the facilitation of cheaper, faster and more effective healthcare delivery. In short, digital advances in healthcare is leading to an increase in healthier individuals, and healthier communities. And new-age health-tech companies like Medexpert, are helping healthcare delivery organizations; spanning neighbourhood clinics to super speciality hospitals with a national presence, as well as pharmacies; improve business agility with a strong technology backbone.


Read more about the company from Mr Mohan P, CEO, Medexpert. He sheds light on the genesis, the work methodology, plans for 2021 and how Oracle has helped Medexpert.

CiOL: Tell us about the genesis of Medexpert.

Mohan: Hospitals that aren’t data-driven face too many challenges. We’ve seen this first-hand, where operational and clinical decisions were being made post occurrence, at times leading to suboptimal business decisions and suboptimal patient experiences. There is an urgent need for hospitals to embrace predictive decision making. A deep conversation with a Doctor friend of mine was the turning point. We developed a deeper understanding of the challenges a hospital goes through. This and many other learnings have helped us continuously evolve our core offering, the Agile Health Hospital Management System (HMS) suite - to help hospitals streamline processes and create a smooth experience for patients.


CiOL: Can you give us a broad overview of your business model and its USP?

Mohan: We collaborate with healthcare delivery organizations of all sizes - from small clinics to large, multi-speciality hospitals. We have made available our HMS both on Cloud as well as on-premises. Our business model is based on subscription and licensing of our HMS platform. We’ve evolved this to be a platform rather than a commercial, off-the-shelf product for hospitals that is configurable. Using our platform, hospitals are acquiring the capability to uncover deep, actionable insights into Clinical Data and Operational Data. This, in turn, speeds up the quality and pace of their decision making.

CiOL: How are you helping your end customers?


Mohan: We help our customers in maximizing their business by ‘Uberizing’ their services through Patient App, Patient Portals and Tele Consultation through our Video Collaborator platform. For example, we have enabled one of the largest hospital groups in Tamil Nadu to become more data-driven and put their data to better business use.

CiOL: What challenges were you facing in your business before using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)?

Mohan: Availability of our platform is a critical factor for us to serve Hospitals 24/7. Given the nature of our business, we were keen to move to a cloud provider who has a proven track record; especially when it comes to data management and security.


CiOL: What are the top 3 reasons for you to select OCI?

Mohan: After assessing the capabilities of various cloud providers, we realized only Oracle could support our growth with their secure, second-generation cloud infrastructure that comes with autonomous capabilities. In addition to guaranteeing high performance and availability with enterprise SLAs, Oracle’s proven track record in securely managing the bulk of the world’s data for forty plus years were the key factors that made us move to OCI. Last but not the least, with OCI, we’re realizing superior cloud economics.

CiOL: How have you benefited from the strategic partnership with Oracle?


Mohan: Cloud offers huge business benefits vis-à-vis on-premises systems. But, some large hospitals we met, were initially hesitant to use our cloud-based HMS owing to security considerations. After our move to OCI, with Oracle as our strategic partner, we have been able to gain/increase the trust of these large hospitals. So this has helped us expand our business faster. Further, with high availability and easy scalability features of OCI, we’ve become capable to effectively serve hospitals that have 150 or more beds, over the cloud seamlessly. This has helped us scale our business model in an agile manner.

CiOL: Tell us about your expansion and growth strategy.

Mohan: As I mentioned earlier, we’re ‘Uberizing’ the in-hospital services and maximizing utilization of hospital services such as Labs, Radiology, Pharmacy etc.  We’re now enabling hospitals to have a robust digital presence and retain patients while helping them deliver quality pre-emptive care. Data-driven Clinical and Operational analytics helps hospitals to provide the right interventions ahead of time. Next, we are looking to create a Patient Network for the participating hospitals to enhance their Patient Engagement.


CiOL: Briefly touch upon your innovation roadmap. What new emerging technologies are you planning to use in 2021 and beyond?

Mohan: Our homegrown Video platform is being piloted at one of the large hospitals in Tamil Nadu. In addition to facilitating easy and on-demand consultation for patients with doctors, we are also helping them streamline their data chain, to provide better visibility by bringing data from wearable and connected devices onto the same session for effective Doctor-Patient-Relative-Specialist interactions. We also aim to help make quality healthcare delivery available even in the remotest places. Our TeleICU and Digital ICU initiatives will enable access to specialists for remote rural hospitals, thus enabling immediate and effective care at the point of care delivery.

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