The Anita Borg Institute India (ABI), a non-profit organization focused on the advancement of women in computing and technology has announced the 6th edition of the Women Entrepreneur Quest (WEQ) 2016.
WEQ 2016, sponsored by the ABI India and the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, is a unique contest for technology startups founded by women.
This year the contest award recipients have grown from 6 to 10 women entrepreneurs in technology, who can win an all-expenses-paid experiential learning visit to Silicon Valley, US.
During the Silicon Valley visit the WEQ Top 10 will receive exposure, capacity building, and networking opportunities. The entrepreneurs will get to visit leading technology companies, startups, and hackerspaces in the Valley. The capacity building will comprise of visits to universities, workshops, and interactions with mentors and investors.
WEQ is organized at the annual Grace Hopper Celebration India (GHCI) conference, the largest gathering of women technologists in the country. The Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) also plays an integral role in supporting and organizing WEQ 2016.
Anita Gupta, Director/Scientist-F & Associate Head at the NSTEDB of the DST, Government of India, said, “DST, Government of India has kicked off some important initiatives to boost entrepreneurship and start-ups in the country. A very recent initiative is the launch of National Initiative for Developing and Harnessing Innovations (NIDHI) and under this initiative; DST has committed Rs. 500 crores for realizing the PM’s vision of Startup India.”
“We are experiencing an increasing number of women entrepreneurs in technology in India building smart and innovative solutions for the real world. It is important to develop this talent so that they go on to build a large, sustainable and successful business,” said Geetha Kannan, Managing Director, ABI India.
Women entrepreneurs with technical ventures in India are encouraged to take this opportunity and apply for WEQ 2016. The registrations are now open and will close on 16 October 2016.
For all information on the contest and to apply visit: http://ghcindia.anitaborg.org/women-entrepreneur-quest-2016/