
2nd edition of Smart India Hackathon challenges students to solve a new set of problems

Soma Tah
New Update

NEW DELHI, INDIA: Earlier this year, at a 36 hrs non-stop digital product development competition- ‘Smart India Hackathon' at Pune, teams of thousands of technology students built innovative digital solutions for 598 problems posted by 29 central govt. ministries/ departments.


Seeing an enthusiastic response, the organizers have now come out with a list of 17 new problems set for the next edition of ‘Smart India Hackathon', which will take place in 2018 by Persistent Systems in collaboration with MHRD, AICTE, and i4c.

Dr. Anand Deshpande, Chairman and MD, Persistent Systems, co-chairman, Smart India Hackathon 2018 said, “Thanks to the support we received from MHRD, and AICTE, Smart India Hackathon which started as a simple idea sparked at Persistent Systems has now evolved into a nationwide movement.”

Dr. Abhay Jere, Secretary, Organizing Committee, Smart India Hackathon 2018 said, “Smart India Hackathon is nothing short of a digital movement that collectively harnesses the creativity and skill of India’s technology students, towards developing a Digital India.”


Smart India Hackathon 2018 is expected to be on a bigger scale than this year. State/ UT governments can also participate in the Hackathon besides Union ministries and departments. So far about 45+ ministries/ depts. and 20+ states/ union territories have signed up.

A new Hardware edition is announced this year. Software Edition will be 36 hour software product development competition, similar in concept to Smart India Hackathon 2017. The new Hardware Edition will be a hackathon where teams will be work for 5 straight days and build their hardware solutions. This competition would be limited to only 5 nodal centers with 20-25 teams each. This software and hardware edition will be held in 30+ centers and 5 centers respectively.

Students’ Innovations category for participation to be opened up in both Hardware and software edition, where students will get to propose new ideas on their own.


Here are some of the problem statements:

Drought prediction(Ministry of environment, forests and climate change): A simple model to predict the drought or water scarcity in a locality based on sample data on various parameters.

Weather prediction for farmers(Government of Pondicherry): Prediction of rain and local weather based on the available 100 years of rainfall data and modeling a farmer support system.

GPS-based dengue risk index(Council of scientific and industrial research): A GPS-enabled smartphone owner can find the susceptibility to dengue infection at the location where he or she is in.

Waste Management(Ministry of urban development): Sensor-based technology swhich can detect the nature of waste and enable automated segregation.

Solution to give monthly data on solar radiation(Government of Arunachal Pradesh): A solution to find out the solar radiation in a particular place to understand power generating potential of a particular place.

Mapping disable-friendly locations across state(Government of Maharashtra): Application to geo-tag places disable-friendly facility with a provision to listen and provide voice navigation to visually-challenged users.

Social media sentiment analysis(Government of Telangana): A large number of social media posts(English, Hindi, Telugu) could be analyzed to understand the citizen sentiments and key problems.

Mapping crime rate/type(Ministry of skill development and entrepreneurship): A solution to map the crime rate, unemployment rate and the type of crime rate in different regions of India.

Telemedicine system to work on low bandwidth(Ministry of health and family welfare): A telemedicine system which works on low bandwidth and is less costly to provide tele-consultation services in rural and remote areas of India.

Keyboard for persons with intellectual disabilities(Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment): A customized keyboard for persons with intellectual disabilities.

The winning team will get Rs 1,00,000, while the first and second runner up will get Rs 75,000 and Rs 50,000 respectively.

Participating team members need to registering themselves on MyGov website and download Smart India Hackathon SIH App from Google Play Store.

Almost 1 Lakh students are expected to be part of this initiative this year.
