
2015: What’s buzzing ahead?

Industry is both excited and nervous about the new wave of trends that the New Year might escort in. Here’s what CIOL eavesdropped on

Pratima Harigunani
New Update

INDIA: If 2014 was flooded with Big Data, Internet of Things and the SMAC tide, the next year would be taking the trends forward but at the same time also inking new buzz words that will redefine both conversation tables and investment squares.


Chief among them would be new flavours of Cloud, new roots being taken by virtualization, fresh aaS alphabet soups, applications ascending the ultimate peaks and machine-to-machine networks assuming usability proportions.

As Parag Arora, Area VP, Citrix, India Subcontinent gauges it, 2015 would hopefully witness applications and cloud hit the real adoption levels and remote application delivery for a country like India. “There are some verticals still struggling with an old-economy problem-set and India has a big gap when it comes to applications. But lot of customers are changing and many are embracing the push to go global and as we are trying to solve some on-ground challenges with application virtualization and other answers, POCs (Proof of Concept) being seen are very encouraging . We will surely put in a lot of focus and effort with segments like dotcom businesses, government enterprises as well as domains like DaaS and ITaaS.”

For Rajamani Srinivasan, Head of Clouds, SAP India, the view for 2015 reveals special glimpses like large corporates getting into Omni-channel, with strong examples as Future Group’s e-commerce initiative. “IoT will be big and ideas like Digital City will emerge strongly. With need for less redundancy, more transparency and minimal intervention, digital governments as an idea will also catch up.”


Karan Bajwa, Managing Director, Microsoft India seconds IoT's impact and argues that 'cloud adoption' is no longer a technology buzzword tossed around in company corridors. It’s mainstream now than ever before and to be on the cloud is today every business’ priority. "Cloud is real and businesses of all sizes are leveraging it across the globe and in India.The latest innovations in cloud computing are making business applications more mobile and collaborative. As this proliferates more, Cybersecurity will continue to emerge as a dominant focus area in 2015. In addition, newer technologies like Internet of Things and Machine learning will catch the imagination of business."

Arun Parameswaran, Managing Director, VMware India points out how based on IDC's hypothetical modeled data for India, the IDC Datacenter Economies Index estimates the positive economic impact that server virtualization is likely to have by the year 2020 at about $5.5 billion. He further outlines the potential economic impact of $5.5 billion for India comprises savings in a few key areas. “There is a expected level of about $2.8 billion in hardware spending savings due to servers avoided, where hardware spending refers to the customer revenue generated from the sale of physical hardware and $805 million in power and cooling savings due to servers avoided which refers to cost of energy to power and cool a physical hardware in the datacenter. Some $65 million in real estate and maintenance fees avoided connect to the land or construction and maintenance cost associated in housing a physical hardware.” He also talks of $1.8 billion related to hardware admin costs avoided and includes IDC's estimate of the cost of people and overheads needed to manage each physical hardware component.

In general, the industry is warming up to new trends and like Amit Shekhar, Chief Strategy Officer at Birlasoft feels, aspects like IoT (Internet of Things) are here to stay. “We are collecting a whole lot of data but we are now leveraging engines and correlation mechanisms too and that’s where we are ahead of the curve in the industry. In 2015, we see more of connected devices and not as localized as now and more as products than just as parts as seen now.”


2015 has begun and hope the industry can turn all that hopeware into reality and we get to see technology’s journey in our lives in a more poignant and positive manner than ever. Wish you all a safer, healthier, ambitious and happening new year from CIOL.
