
Your phone can predict your future

CIOL Writers
New Update

Believe it or not, that horoscope section in the newspaper is a big draw amongst the readers. And it's not just the "others" who are interested in it. Let's just face it, we are curious about astrology, tarot reading et al., if not obsessed about it. So what if your phone turns clairvoyant for you? Neat, right? No need to visit a psychic or an oracle to predict your future, and no need to be shy about it either.


If you are intrigued, read on. Golden Thread Tarot is one such app for your phone, which reads your emotional patterns and also teaches you how to use your own tarot cards. You can have a one-card, three-card or cross reading for love, finances, career and or any other aspect of your life you want unraveled.

After turning over the cards, the app explains what the positioning means, places it in the context of your past, present and future and then you log how you felt about the reading, kind of like a mood or meditation app.

Celeste, on the other hand, is an app steeped in ancient astrological science. Not like palmistry, but a more detailed study of planetary stars, which are believed to impact your actions, moods, and even fate. But don't worry. Operating it isn't as difficult as it may sound. Just enter your name, birthdate, birth place, birth time and other bits of information, and the app will automatically develop your astrological chart.

The app then tells you in detail, what every planetary position in the chart actually signifies and implies. But this app is only for people who are just happy knowing about their future. For those who want to understand the "why" of it all, or learn it, look elsewhere.

The advent of technology has touched almost every element of our lives. So it's not a surprise that astrology, loved by so many people, has also begun to adopt it. More of a marriage between science and cult! But astrology is not new to technology. Online softwares to generate astrology charts have been in use since a decade or so. And it's not just you and me who would use it, but pundits too have made use of it.
