
Report Inappropriate Ad Content via Whatsapp

CIOL Writers
New Update

With Indian Administration and governance becoming more tech savvy, advertising watchdog, Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) has launched a number (+91) 7710012345 which could be used to report misleading or objectionable content in advertisements via Whatsapp.


This number is expected to make lodging complaints easier for people given Whatsapp messenger’s wide usage. Once it’s saved in your contact list, you can easily send over objectionable data to the ASCI.

Pictures of offensive or objectionable print ads, banners, YouTube videos links, screen shots of internet sites etc could be sent over through this instant messaging app and a ASCI team would ‘suo moto’ lodge complaint and take necessary action after verification.

ASCI Chairman Benoy Roychowdhury giving details about this new feature said, “ASCI is empowering consumers by making it more accessible. Today almost every person with a smartphone is using messaging services such as WhatsApp. Technology makes it possible for them to flag false, misleading or offensive ads instantaneously and anytime, anywhere while on the go."

ASCI had initiated a similar grievance redress mechanism last year when they launched a mobile app to connect with consumers directly. The advertising watchdog’s website also hosts a complaint lodging feature but Whatsapp is surely going to make things easier and convenient for both sides.

P.S.-   (+91) 7710012345 is the number to book your complaint.

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