
MinuteHound's new time clock software to focus on SMBs

New Update

NEW YORK, USA: MinuteHound, provider of biometric time clock solution for large businesses has released new software that will benefit small businesses by eliminating time theft, lowering operating and equipment costs, and reducing user error.


The MinuteHound device will attach to the USB port of any computer, transforming it into a virtual time clock, said a company release.

The device requires no complex equipment or designated computer for successful operation said the biometric time clock solution and further added that businesses with only a single computer can continue using the computer for other business tasks while simultaneously running MinuteHound software.

Because the device only requires a USB port, the initial purchase cost is far more affordable than other biometric solutions currently on the market. "This enables small business owners to take advantage of cost-saving accuracy without requiring a large, up-front financial investment," the company said.


Small business owners can also benefit from MinuteHound's real time updates and cloud-based data organization style. When an employee's fingerprint is scanned, his or her presence is automatically added to a work schedule spreadsheet.

This spreadsheet includes the date and time of the check-in or check-out.

Small business owners are able to monitor this information, in real time, from any device with an Internet connection. MinuteHound software also includes the option for immediate SMS or e-mail alerts when employees clock in late or clock out early.

By protecting employee privacy as well as the profits, time, resources, and energy of business owners, MinuteHound claims that the new product promises to revolutionize the small business world.
