
LinkedIn knows your chances of getting a Job

CIOL Writers
New Update

Nowadays, it doesn't matter which degree you have, getting a job is as hard as an MBA student as it is for an undergraduate.  But LinkedIn, the business-oriented social networking service, has come up with a tool to predict your chances of getting a job and what you can do to improve them. It's a system designed to give you feedback when you apply for a job.


A new patent awarded to LinkedIn describes a system that could score your success chances and show your strengths and weaknesses by fixing a problem that the company sees in today's job hunting process.

Employers often automatically reject applicants whose background or education doesn’t match up exactly to a job description. But the candidate has no idea why they were rejected. "The user may not be informed about the basis of the rejection. Further, in the case of other users who may be competing for the same requirement, the user may not be informed about the cause," the patent states.

LinkedIn knows your chances of getting a job

Currently, premium account holders can already see where they rank when they view a job posting based on their experience and company. That percentage only identifies where a person falls compared to other applicants, but not the probability of success or the weaknesses in an application. Now, there's also a "predicted date of achievement" for how long it would take to get the job offer, according to the patent filing.

Offering recommendations can boost LinkedIn's talent business. However, as it's only a patent, we can’t predict whether success scores will be coming to LinkedIn any time soon.

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