
KeyPoint announces Adaptxt 3.0 beta for Android keyboards

New Update

SAN JOSE, USA: KeyPoint Technologies, an award-winning world leader in user interface technology, announced Adaptxt 3.0 smart keyboard app is now available in beta.


Adaptxt replaces users' standard smartphone keyboards enabling them to interact effortlessly with their apps, emails and text messages with a keyboard that is practical, personalized and engaging. Adaptxt 3.0 not only understands what users are typing, but it identifies the location of the user and what application they are running to provide more accurate and contextual word predictions.

With over one million downloads, Adaptxt's new features and improvements are based on requests and useful suggestions from users. Adaptxt is now the first keyboard where users are able to set preferred locations on their device or turn on auto-location, allowing the built-in Adaptxt dictionary to populate nearby street names, landmarks and relevant addresses.

Using the localization feature, the ongoing frustration with autocorrect is significantly reduced, as it predicts and suggests names and words associated with the user's location.