
Iterator Pattern

CIOL Bureau
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New Update

Avijeet Dash,


and Nagesh

Hassan Sathyanarayana




Provides a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially

without exposing its underlying representation.

In 30 Seconds


The catch here is ‘taking out the access and traversal responsibility of an

aggregate object from itself to another object called iterator’. For any kind

of aggregate object say List, Vector, Hashtable, Map etc. the most important

client requirement is to traverse through them for elements. The traversal needs

may vary from a sequential traversal to some kind of criteria matching

traversal. Complex aggregates like Composites have traversal needs like

preorder, inorder and postorder. By moving this access and traversal

functionality out of the aggregate object to another coupled object ‘Iterator’

gives a 2-fold solution. Firstly it simplifies the aggregate objects interface

and secondly it lets client to do traversals in various ways without flooding

the aggregate objects like List with many operations for various traversals.



The Iterator class defines an interface for accessing the aggregate object’s

(List) elements. It’s also responsible for keeping track of the current

element. ListIterator is a concrete Iterator for List with methods like First(),

Next(), IsDone() and CurrentItem() implemented in it. The List and ListIterator

are coupled. We can have specific kind of aggregates like List and SkipList and

concrete iterators for each of them. For List its ListIterator and for SkipList

it’s SkipListIterator. All these Iterators can extend from a generic Iterator

interface. The responsibility of creating the specific iterator should lie with

the respective aggregate classes by use of Factor method pattern.


Sample Code

Advertisment in java.util implements the Iterator as an inner class. See

the implementation below:

private class Itr implements Iterator {
* Index of element to be returned by subsequent call to next.
int cursor = 0;

* Index of element returned by most recent call to next or
* previous. Reset to -1 if this element is deleted by a call
* to remove.
int lastRet = -1;

* The modCount value that the iterator believes that the backing
* List should have. If this expectation is violated, the iterator
* has detected concurrent modification.
int expectedModCount = modCount;

public boolean hasNext() {
return cursor != size();

public Object next() {
try {
Object next = get(cursor);
lastRet = cursor++;
return next;
} catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();

public void remove() {
if (lastRet == -1)
throw new IllegalStateException();

try {
if (lastRet < cursor)
lastRet = -1;
expectedModCount = modCount;
} catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

final void checkForComodification() {
if (modCount != expectedModCount)
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

public Iterator iterator() {
return new Itr();


Complexities simplified

External Iterator and Internal Iterator

The actual iteration can be controlled either in the client or the iterator
itself. If it’s done in client it’s an External Iterator else it’s an

internal iterator. External iterators are more flexible and more widely used.

Internal iterators can be easier to use and mostly used with Composites where it

can record the current position simply by calling itself recursively.

Cursor and Iterator


The traversal algorithm can either be stored in the aggregate or the iterator.

If it’s stored in the aggregate, the iterator simply stores the state of the

iteration. These kinds of iterators are ‘Cursors’. The client can invoke the

next operation on the aggregate with the cursor as an argument. And the Next

operation will change the state of the cursor.

The traversal algorithm when kept in iterators, its easy to reuse them, on

the other hand the algorithms may need to access some private variables of the

aggregate which violates the encapsulation of the aggregate.

Robust Iterator

A robust iterator ensures that insertions and removals won’t interfere with

the traversal and it does it without copying the aggregate. In Java Collection

API Iterators are robust as opposed to enumeration, which are not robust.

Also known as and Related Patterns

It’s also known as ‘Cursor’ and often used in conjunction with

Composites, Factory Method and Memento. An iterator can use a memento to capture

the state of an iteration.


An Iterator is recommended when your design has two or more kinds of

collection of objects (Vectors, Hashtables, Lists, Stacks etc...) that you would

like to move through

using similar methods, even though their implementation are different from one

Also the importance of an iterator grows when it provides an uniform interface
to navigate different data structures  by the support of polymorphic


The Java collection framework uses iterator design pattern in giving

programmatic access to its elements . The Iterator interface in collection

package is a simple interface which provides an iterator over a Collection.

There are some differences between this interface and the Iterator in the

iterator design pattern, most notably the addition of a remove method, and the

exclusion of the CurrentItem(), and First() methods. The First() method however,

can be thought of as being the first call to Next() on a new iteration,. The

CurrentItem() method of the Iterator design pattern, although not directly

implemented in the Iterator interface, can be added by defining a sub-interface

to Iterator.

External Reference

Gamma, E., Helm, R., Johnson,R. & Vlissides, J. (1995).

Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Reading
Mass., Addison Wesley.
