
GitHub announces recipients of the open source grants and sponsors now open in India

The GitHub grant will support the open source contributions to drive innovation, and raise awareness about it

CIOL Bureau
New Update

The company earlier announced GitHub Open Source Grants, committing one crore rupees to support and fund open source maintainers and contributors, as they continue to build open source software.


This comes after GitHub plans to support the developer community in India and to create world class software, the company has announced the first 15 recipients of GitHub Open Source Grants: liyasthomas, anuraghazra, pranshuchittora, VishalNehra, bodhish, shivammathur, ahiliation, onprem, ptrthomas, akshay2211, snitin315, anikethsaha, shikhamis11, gautamkrishnar, gdsoumya.

The grant will support the open source contributions to drive innovation, and raise awareness about it. It will also encourage more open source contributions from the developer community across the world.

“Indian developers are truly building the future of software, making India an innovation powerhouse, with open source software development at the core,” Maneesh Sharma, General Manager, GitHub India, said.

Since open source does not get the deserved credit even after being heavily dependent on them, this move will motivate developers and also support them financially.