
Is bite-sized learning the future of eLearning?

Bite-sized learning, unlike traditional teaching, focuses on a small number of topics in a high-impact context

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Is bite-sized learning the future of eLearning?

The pandemic has highlighted the changing nature of jobs and the new skills that are required to sustain a career. Today, learning is not restricted to schools and colleges and it happens throughout life.


However, the way we absorb and retain information has changed, particularly given the vast inflow of information in our lives. As a result, bite-sized or micro-learning is fast becoming the most popular way of learning in India.

What is Bite-sized learning?

Bite-sized learning, unlike traditional teaching, focuses on a small number of topics in a high-impact context. These courses are highly interactive and learner-centric.


Bite-sized learning is the developed version of eLearning that has gained ground in the corporate training world. The modules are short, aimed at achieving a longer-term learning goal, such as increasing sales, improving customer service, or boosting overall employee development.

Unlike the traditional eLearning courses, microlearning modules range in duration of 1 to 15 minutes and cover one or two topics in a defined manner. These courses tend to hold the attention for longer due to their time limit and the course for the learning objective is well-defined.

Why is Bite-sized learning growing rapidly?


According to Mordor Intelligence, the mobile learning market is expected to register a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 21.45% over the forecast period 2021-2026. These numbers suggested the rise of mobile learning. Utilizing this trend, several organizations and firms have adapted bite-sized learning programs which are device friendly.

The courses are brief and given in a well-planned manner to contribute to a high-quality learning experience. Employees and working individuals prefer content that can be accessed on the move via mobile devices rather than lengthy modules.

Attention spans are reducing. This group of people multitasks frequently and has a short attention span. Bite-sized learning approaches are the best way to keep them focused and learning.


Bite-size learning is both cost-effective and beneficial to the course creation process. The demand for regular introductions to new online courses and ideas is growing, and this eLearning module makes it easier and more cost-effective to do so. Each course can concentrate on a single topic, making content available for more modules.

Bite-sized learning, changing the eLearning platform

The latest advancement in eLearning has led to improved performance and execution. These factors have resulted in the rapid adoption of bite-sized learning in several domains of online learning.


One of the most significant benefits of bite-sized learning is the use of quick and concise content for courses that can be accessible while learners are on the go. However, it might be challenging to keep a learner's attention for an extended period of time since once it is lost, the course's objective becomes hindered.

These courses are designed in such a way that the knowledge is simply digestible. Morsels of knowledge put together correctly are far more beneficial and valuable. The courses are presented in a different way than standard eLearning courses, which follow a set format with an introduction, description, and followed by other aspects. The information in the new online courses is delivered immediately and without delay.

The Future of L&D programs


According to the Future of Talent 2021 report, 95 percent of Indian organisations have dedicated learning and development programmes to help employees gain new skills and prepare them for the future.

The surge in engagement rate and reduction of miscellaneous cost in training of candidates is reshaping the corporate framework. The low cost of production of these learning modules also increases the scope of having more programs that contribute to high quality training and a profitable return on investment.


The advent of Bite-sized learning has seen a huge transformation in the domain of eLearning. With low cost options, better execution, user satisfaction, and development rate it is a good choice and investment. The growing popularity of the bite-sized learning module is broadening the possibilities of eLearning for greater progress. All these developments certainly make Bite-sized learning the future of eLearning.

The article has been written by Anand Sundar Raj, CEO Innov Source.